more news

March 13th, 2009 Cosmin

In this moment 210 species have a page here and more than 700 photos are online. A full species list can be found here.

More species and more photos will come.

have fun 😉


March 7th, 2009 Cosmin

now… 120 species and almost 500 photos… growing

Short-eared Owl near Histria fortress

March 3rd, 2009 Cosmin

In 27.february.2009 near Histria Fortress one exemplary of Asio flammeus (Ciuf de câmp / Short-eared Owl) was seen by Sebastian Bugariu, Ciprian Fantana and Jozsef Szabo. They also searched there for an exemplar of Calcarius lapponicus (Presură de tundră / Lapland Bunting) that was seen in 25th.

Some photos were taken from distance (© Sebastian Bugariu).

<i>Asio flammeus</i> (Photo: Sebastian Bugariu)

news and changes

February 26th, 2009 Cosmin

In this moment here are more than 350 photos belonging to 89 species. Thanks for the help also to the new contributors.

Also made some code changes and comment of bird species pages can be added… so if you want you can use this feature also.

Hope you will enjoy your visit here.


February 19th, 2009 Cosmin

Here i hope you will start a journey in the wonderful world of birds, birds of Romania and birds from other places.

It is not something that can be done over night so for now… more than 200 photos for 67 species are online… many more will come.

What can you find here:

Birds of Romanialist with all known romanian bird, including a list with name that is available for download. In the future each bird species will have own page with photos, some words about and probably a map.

Birds form other partslist with all the birds that have active links on website (from Romania or not) in alphabetical order. So probably here will be easier to look for a certain bird… but also you can use the SEARCH form.

Birdwatching in Romania – nothing there yet… but I will not refuse to be a guide if someone need that.

Sightings of rare birds in Romania – nothing there yet… but when I hear about a rare bird here will be mentioned there (what, who, where…).

Contributors – a list of persons that helped this website in some way.

Few of them can be seen in this small gallery:

I hope you will enjoy your visit here