Garrulus glandarius

RO: Gaiţa
DE: Eichelhäher
EN: Jay
HU: Szajkó

2 Responses to “Garrulus glandarius

  1. My name is Aleksander Pritekelj and I’m leaving in Slovenija in town Ljubljana.
    I set up web page for bird protection and education and this page is non commercial purpose.
    Theme of web page are about winter birds feeding and nestboxes, how to make and how to set up. See link

    Each bird is present with many photos.
    But I do not have some birds / nest pictures.
    I found on your web page some of intereseting photo of jay nest.

    I’m asking you for your approval for publish some of your photos on Slovenian bird educatin web page.

    Below photo I will write name of autor and web link
    as you can see on this link
    In this way I have agreements with other European natural photographer and cameramans.

    Please give me answer of your opinion.

    Best regards, Aleksander Pritekelj

  2. Hi Aleksander,

    e-mail sent to you.
    all my best,

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