Acrocephalus scirpaceus
May 9th, 2021 CosminRO: Lăcar de stuf
DE: Teichrohrsänger
EN: Reed Warbler
sound, embedded from xeno-canto
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RO: Lăcar de stuf
DE: Teichrohrsänger
EN: Reed Warbler
sound, embedded from xeno-canto
Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online free of commercials
In the evening of 15.june.2009 a young bird of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) was observed and photographed by Călin Tatu between Satchinez and Bărăteaz above the reservation.
RO: Pitulice sfârâitoare
DE: Waldlaubsänger
EN: Wood Warbler
Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials
RO: Presura sură
DE: Grauammer
EN: Corn Bunting
HU: Sordély
Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials
In 27.february.2009 near Histria Fortress one exemplary of Asio flammeus (Ciuf de câmp / Short-eared Owl) was seen by Sebastian Bugariu, Ciprian Fantana and Jozsef Szabo. They also searched there for an exemplar of Calcarius lapponicus (Presură de tundră / Lapland Bunting) that was seen in 25th.
Some photos were taken from distance (© Sebastian Bugariu).