Acrocephalus scirpaceus

May 9th, 2021 Cosmin

RO: Lăcar de stuf
DE: Teichrohrsänger
EN: Reed Warbler

sound, embedded from xeno-canto

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Merops persicus

March 1st, 2018 Cosmin

RO: Prigorie cu obraz albastru
DE: Blauwangenspin
EN: Blue-cheeked Bee-eater
HU: Perzsa gyurgyalag

Genus: Merops
Species: persicus

  • photos taken in Morocco

Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials


Galerida theklae

February 17th, 2018 Cosmin

RO: Ciocârlan spaniol
DE: Theklalerche
EN: Thekla’s lark
HU: Kövi pacsirta

Genus: Galerida
Species: theklae

  • photos taken in Morocco

Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials

Serinus serinus

March 9th, 2009 Cosmin

RO: Cănăraş
DE: Girlitz
EN: European Serin
HU: Csicsörke

Genus: Serinus
Species: serinus

  • photos taken in Morocco

Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials


Phylloscopus sibilatrix

March 9th, 2009 Cosmin

RO: Pitulice sfârâitoare
DE: Waldlaubsänger
EN: Wood Warbler

  • x
  • x
  • photo taken in Romania


Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials




Miliaria calandra

March 8th, 2009 Cosmin

RO: Presura sură
DE: Grauammer
EN: Corn Bunting
HU: Sordély

  • x
  • x
  • photos taken in Romania


Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials





Melanocorypha calandra

February 23rd, 2009 Cosmin

RO: Ciocârlie de Bărăgan
DE: Kalanderlerche
EN: Calandra Lark
HU: Kalandrapacsirta

  • photos taken in Romania


Donations are welcome, will help me to add new content and to keep this online and free of commercials




Sturnus vulgaris

February 22nd, 2009 Cosmin

RO: Graur
DE: Star
EN: Starling

Turdus merula

February 22nd, 2009 Cosmin

RO: Mirla
DE: Amsel
EN: Blackbird

Motacilla alba

February 22nd, 2009 Cosmin

RO: Codobatura albă
DE: Bachstelze
EN: Pied Wagtail