March 22nd, 2011 Cosmin
Some new species, some new photos… but the biggest change now is song embed.
One example here (Nightingale/Luscinia megarhynchos/Privighetoare roşcată):
Just started this, trying to embed longer and characteristic sentences of song. All this is possible thanks to xeno-canto.
Now 375 species in almost 1450 photos.
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March 15th, 2011 Cosmin
Again a big boost thanks to Iliuta Goean and Cristian Mihai (for the photos) and Razvan Zinica (for the work to put them here).
And, again, I want to renew the invitation to other romanian photographers who want to share own images through (this website 🙂 ). So, if you have good images with photos of birds taken in nature (including in hand from ringing camp) and you want to share them please let Cosmin or Razvan know about your intention… or just write a comment here.

Now 374 species in more than 1430 photos.
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March 6th, 2011 Cosmin
Today … 370 species, mainly thanks to Mircea Costina (for the photos) and Razvan Zinica (for the work to put them here).
Again I want to renew the invitation to other romanian photographers who want to share own images through (this website 🙂 ). So, if you have good images with photos of birds taken in nature (including in hand from ringing camp) and you want to share them please let Cosmin or Razvan know about your intention… or just write a comment here.

Now 370 species in almost 1340 photos.
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March 1st, 2011 Cosmin
Also the number of 350 species was surpassed, thanks to Mircea Costina (for the photos) andRazvan Zinica (for the work to put them here).
Again I want to renew the invitation to other romanian photographers who want to share own images through (this website 🙂 ). So, if you have good images with photos of birds taken in nature (including in hand from ringing camp) and you want to share them please let Cosmin or Razvan know about your intention… or just write a comment here.

Now 352 species in more than 1300 photos.
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February 27th, 2011 Cosmin
Razvan Zinica added some more images from Mircea Costina portfolio and the photo collection from here has grown some more, specially with species from North America.
Also I want to renew the invitation to other romanian photographers who want to share own images through (this website 🙂 ). So, if you have good images with photos of birds taken in nature (including in hand from ringing camp) and you want to share them please let Cosmin or Razvan know about your intention… or just write a comment here.

Now 332 species in almost 1275 photos.
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February 25th, 2011 Cosmin
More photos from Mircea Costina…

Now 318 species in almost 1250 photos.
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February 24th, 2011 Cosmin
Starting from today more than 300 species are illustrated now here, thanks to Mircea Costina and Razvan Zinica. Some of this are birds from South and specially North America.

Now 307 species in almost 1230 photos.
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February 21st, 2011 Cosmin
From today we have a new contributor here, Mircea Costină… a reason that some new species are added. Click on Mircea’s name to see more from his, really great, photos… and not only birds 😉 .

Now 292 species (mostly from Romania) in more than 1200 photos.
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February 19th, 2011 Cosmin
Couple of days ago Răzvan Zinică was added as administrator here and maybe things will start to move… in fact already started 😉 .
… Emberiza hortulana by Răzvan Zinică
Now 281 species (mostly from Romania) in almost 1200 photos.
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June 17th, 2009 Cosmin
In the evening of 15.june.2009 a young bird of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) was observed and photographed by Călin Tatu between Satchinez and Bărăteaz above the reservation.

Posted in news, Romania, sightings | 4 Comments »